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NucAdvisor Nuclear

About NucAdvisor

NucAdvisor is a nuclear consulting company established in France by a group of senior executives and high-level experts from across the European and North American nuclear industries.


Today, we provide support to clients worldwide in the fields of Nuclear Market, Research and Technologies, Economics, Safety, Regulations, Industrial and Medical Nuclear Applications as well as Environment and Siting. 


In these fields, NucAdvisor provides advisory services, technical assistance, project management and financial expertise, as well as training for clients across the whole of the nuclear industry: newcomer countries to the global nuclear community, clients building nuclear facilities, as well as those undergoing decommissioning or facing waste management challenges. 
NucAdvisor is made up of high-level experts with a wealth of experience of the nuclear lifecycle. Through their knowledge of developing strategies, plans, designs, safety, site and environmental assessments, project management and implementation of complex projects on nuclear licensed sites around the world, NucAdvisor is acutely aware of the justification required and the level of external scrutiny on such key issues. 


NucAdvisor has full independence from all nuclear vendors, operators, government agencies, and public entities, allowing it to act with total impartiality. We can therefore assure our clients that no conflict-of-interest issues will arise.


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168/172, boulevard de Verdun,

Energy Park - Building 4


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