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Audit of EPR2 program costs

This audit of the EPR2 project was part of a work program launched by the French Government to examine questions related to the cost of new nuclear power. The cost and risk analysis of such a project was essential to allow the decision-making of the Government to launch a new nuclear program. 



Benchmarking Analysis of Member States Approaches to Definition of National Inventories Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel

The large disparity of approaches for drafting the radioactive waste and spent fuel inventories pushed the European Commission to launch this benchmarking study to assess the adequacy of the methods used by Member States and identify the best practices to spread across European Union.


European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy, Benchmarking analysis of member states approaches to definition of national inventories radioactive waste and spent fuel, Publications Office, 2020,



Resilience of the nuclear sector in Europe in the face of pandemic risks

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial impact on the functioning of our societies and economies. Like any other sector, the nuclear industry had to adapt to these sudden new constraints and implement long-term strategies to ensure the continuous supply of electricity and radionuclides.


European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy, Resilience of the nuclear sector in Europe in the face of pandemic risks : final report, Publications Office of the European Union, 2022,

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Implementation of nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness and response requirements in EU Member States and neighboring countries

Thirty-three countries and other international organisations were involved thoroughly in transmitting and challenging data on the practical implementation of national emergency management systems and response plans and the practical measures for coordinating with other countries. As a result of this 2-year study, a guide with six recommendations for the European Commission to improve cross-border cooperation, the involvement of civil society and the improvement of the protection strategy was produced.

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European Study on Medical, Industrial and Research Applications of Nuclear and Radiation Technology

The objective of the SAMIRA study was to provide the European Commission with up-to-date information on the non-power uses of nuclear and radiation technology in the EU, especially the medical applications and their interdependence relation with research reactors. The final purpose was to prepare a coordinated strategic agenda for the European Union in order to secure the supply of the main radioisotopes in the EU.


European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy, European study on medical, industrial and research applications of nuclear and radiation technology : final report, Publications Office, 2019,



Study on the market for decommissioning nuclear facilities in the European Union

On behalf of the European Commission, NucAdvisor performed a study on the market for decommissioning nuclear facilities in the European Union. The purpose of the study was to characterize in detail the functioning of the European nuclear decommissioning market


European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy, Study on market for decommissioning nuclear facilities in the European Union, Publications Office, 2019,

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Co-ordinated approach to the development and supply of radionuclides in the EU

The objective of the present study was to fill gaps in the available information on the supply chains for the main established and novel radionuclides that have, or are expected to have, significant uses in Europe. The work also had the goal of preparing the ground for long-term European co-operation in this area.

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